Publications & Media

Samantha Kutner

Samantha Kutner received her bachelor’s degree in psychology and master’s degree in communication studies from the University of Nevada, Reno. She studies violent extremism, and the gender dynamics of radicalization.

In 2018, she won a research Integrity award from her institutional review board for persisting against the chilling effect.

As an independent consultant, she provides training presentations informed by her ethnographic research with Proud Boys and Antifascists.

She continues to seek ways to reduce the efficacy of extremist messaging and ensure. Her current project is the Proud Boys incident map and dashboard, a continually developing OSINT resource to inform the public of Proud Boys activity in America, Canada, Australia, and the UK.



Journal for Deradicalization, No 7 (2016)

Kutner, Samantha. “The call for component analyses of the saudi arabian risk reduction initiative: an examination of religious re-education’s role in the deradicalization and disengagement process”.

The Peer Review, 2018

McBride, Maureen, Kutner, Edwards, and Thoms. “Responding To The Whole Person: Using Empathic Listening And Responding In The Writing Center”

International Centre for Counter-Terrorism-The Hague, 2020

Kutner. “Swiping Right: The Allure of Hyper Masculinity and Cryptofascism for Men Who Join the Proud Boys”

Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 2020.

Kutner. “Take the Redpill: Understanding the Allure of Conspiratorial Thinking among Proud Boys.” 


“Pain, Mediocrity and Rage: Ethnographic Theories of Right-Wing Male Behavior,”

NCA Communicating for Survival, November 2019

“Racism and Anti-Racism in Reno.”

University of Nevada, Reno, September 2020.
Centre on Hate, Bias, and Extremism, October, 2020.


Featured Podcasts

Soft Power Radio

Extremism & Disengagement

I Don’t Speak German

episode 20: Gavin, Goad, and Edgelord Comedy

I Don’t Speak German
episode 13: Mr Death
The Loopcast

June 28, 2020: Samantha Kutner discusses the Proud Boys and her article "Swiping Right.."